Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall 2012 Sewing List

Here is my current sewing list:

Completed from last list:
Timely Tresses Eliza Coretta Bonnet from kit
N's orange plaid tunic
E's pink dress
E's corded sunbonnet 
Put markings in kid's underclothes to differentiate sizes - DONE!
Hydrangea Lawn Semi-sheer Maternity Dress
N's Hat
Bonnet stay/crossband in new bonnet
Bone back point on wool dress

Currently on the table/Upcoming:
Corset - I got pregnant, just to avoid this project! ;) ;) Just kidding! BUT, It is just so stinking hard to fit yourself!! Fortunately, using Kay Gnagey's Simplicity 2890 pattern, I was able to easily make up a corset mock-up that fits nicely.  This needs to be done by our next event since I can almost lace the old one closed!
Tuck in cage waistband - with the combination of losing weight (not that I'm losing weight at this point ;)) and the muslin stretching, I need to take a tuck or two in the waistband to make it smaller.
Coat for N
New winter hood for me

Gwendolyn's Wardrobe (For Fun):
Dress bodice mockup

Re-pleat Green cotton print dress skirt - Fortunately, this is the only dress that needs re-pleating after I made my cage.  My mom is borrowing this one until we get her dresses reworked and made up.
Repair/Possibly remake red plaid dress
New collars and other white accessories
Start saving for a parasol
Silk Cravat for Tim
Fancy petticoat - Because let's face it, I just need a fancy petticoat to go under my sheer dresses and my wrapper! My inspiration image.  Unfortunately, this has been put on hold since I ran out of fabric :P

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